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Friday, June 17, 2005

     This might be a bad idea, considering that I have work to worry about later (5 hours later actually, give or take...). Still, I couldn't get much sleep, and I figured this would be more productive than late night television (Well, actually, I've missed tonights episodes of "Lost" and "The O.C.", so there weren't many other options...)
     So it's been a while. Those who've been keeping regular enough contact with me should have a good idea why. Comes to a point where you just figure you don't have much more to say. It's weird. We grow up learning so many different ways of saying so many things, and still, when it comes down to it, words never seem enough. Human futility. Heh. Well, I'll fill all of you in on what's been going on first; I've finished work but am still on a part-time basis, awaiting my first day of school (This coming Monday.), and I bought a CD. Corrinne May's "Safe In A Crazy World". It's a fantastic album, and easy listening to boot. Her vocals are like a local version of a cross between Sarah McLachlan and Amy Lee (Evanescence), with lyrics which are sweet, but none too convoluted. I bought mine from Border's for only $17.00, and it came with a 25% voucher to boot, so it wasn't altogether a bad buy. It's definitely worth a recommendation. Tracks to check out are "Save Me", "Little Superhero Girl" and "The Birthday Song".
     What more do I have up my sleeve? These days, nothing much. Heh, I'm actually trying out a healthier lifestyle these days ("Trying" being the operative word here...). It's amazing how much weight I gained in my last 2 months of work. Salads are underrated. Or maybe I'm just trying to console myself. No, wait, I do enough of that with the amount of alcohol I consume during the weekends :) Still, can you imagine? Me, substituting a meal a day with a salad? Better start checking your lottery tickets more regularly boys and girls...
     What else then? Well, in the words of the great Ben Harper, "Yes indeed I'm, alone again, and here comes emptiness, crashing in...". So very drama I am *shrugs* Well, it's the only way I know how to show it I guess...
     I'm not sure if I wanna write any more. Well, honestly? I do. It's just that, I'm not sure of what to say. I guess for now, I thought it'd be appropriate to let all you guys know that I'm alright. Or at the very least, I will be. Heh, ain't that always the case? :)

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