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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

     Okay, before I begin with the how and where I've been, I need to get this out of the way: Considering that it's already May, I'm thinking that it could be a little too late for a New Year's round-up (duh). If you guys are in needing of one that badly, here's what I can do for you. Look to the bottom left of your screen, below the Links. It's called the Archives section. You click on the desired date, and you'll get a rough idea of what was going on in my life at that particular period last year. And yes, I am quite aware of what a cop-out is :)
     So it's been a helluva hectic April. It was fun nonetheless :) Finally handed in my philosophy paper last Saturday. Celebrated it later in the evening with Denise, Jesu and Laurence at DXO. Charmian and friends popped by as well. Whole lotta drinking, and not enough dancing. Though with how my joints are these days, I'm not complaining :) It's a nice club, in terms of the set-up and the decor, but I really don't think much of the crowd though. Average age group was around 18. I have never felt so much older. And there's an even larger crowd of under-aged kids milling around outside, trying to figure out a way in. You should've seen how some of these girls were dressed. The way one girl was dressed, she looked like she was wearing 2 black paper napkins. I'm thinking, look, dressing like a slut doesn't make you look older; it just makes you look like an under-aged slut. Heh, what's sad is that I can imagine most of the male population reading this right now going, "And what's wrong with that...?" :)
     What really made April stand out for me, was the 22nd: Jonny's 21st birthday. Initially, he didn't wanna celebrate it, when we brought it up back in March. After much deliberation, he agreed to have a little something to commemorate the occasion, and I figured I'd help out with the preparation. Not like there was a lot of work required to do. Just rounding up his band mates and a few of other close friends he wanted to have around, and reserving enough tables for the festivities. We held it down at the I Love Happy Daze pub (not to be confused with the Happy Daze Cafe or Bistro) down in Serangoon Gardens. Everyone that Jonny wanted to see turned up, and drinks flowed freely. It helped that the pub has great offers on Saturdays :) If there was one Kodak moment for me though, it would have to be when the owner of the pub, Desmond, taught me a new way to drink a Sambuca shot proper. It involved me dipping my fingers into the shot glass, swigging and holding the rest of it in my mouth, and then lighting up my fingers, which would proceed to light up the Sambuca in my mouth. And yes, it was as scary as it sounds...
     Denise and I bought him the Steve Vai - Live at the Astoria London DVD as a gift. I'm thinking the jaw-dropping expression he gave was a clear sign that he liked it :) Most of us reached a nice level of inebriation, but of course, he wasn't drunk to the point where he couldn't enjoy watching Liverpool FC advance to the FA Cup Finals. Heh, I think he enjoyed that gift a little more than ours, but hey, I'm not complaining :) All that mattered was that everyone had a nice time, and that the birthday boy had a blast.
     Between that, and my project, it's been a quiet April. Oh, and I finally have a job now. A part-time one of sorts. Basically, research and data-entry for this web portal. It's not a lot of money, but it's at least it's some money, which is more than what I was previously earning, which was none :) One of the main benefits is that I get to work from home, so I can't really complain. And yes, I am that much closer to owning my very own island too :)
     On a side note, I completed Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince in 2 days (and no you smart-asses, I don't want a prize). I enjoyed it more than I did the last one, which just seemed fraught with a tad too much whining for me. A few interesting revelations and developments, but it's obvious that this is definitely just a set-up for what's to come in the next (and if I'm not wrong, final) installment.
     What do I have just beyond the horizon? Well, in a couple of weeks, I'll be starting on hip-hop dance classes with Denise at Jitterbugs Swingapore (and yes, I'm quite sure I didn't misspell that). I've always wanted to take up hip-hop, so I was pleasantly surprised when Denise suggested that we try. I'm hoping that this'll be a lot less painful than running as well :) In around the same time, my next module, Advanced News Gathering & Writing, will be commencing. It's quite a mouthful, but I'm looking forward to it :) All in all, it looks to be another quietly eventful month ahead. Outstanding :)
     I'll leave you all, not with a song, but with a quote instead (paraphrased of course). I heard it while watching late night Oprah (please don't judge), interviewing Uma Thurman recently after she had broken up with Ethan Hawke:
"Moving on is being able to let go of the hope, that things in the past could have been any different."

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