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Saturday, August 02, 2008

     Well so. I just attended my friend's wake this morning (Friday to be more exact). He was someone I worked with closely when I was a medic in Pulau Tekong, during my stint in National Service (NS). We were in the same batch, and went through a fuckload of shit together. I can't even begin to start, but it helps that a common enemy brought all of us closer. We treated a countless number of thankless recruits, and appreciated the handful of thankful ones. If anything, it steeled and prepared him when he went into medicine after he finished his term in the armed forces. Pfft, those useless Junior College dicks who deferred and went straight into medicine first were - and are - useless. Take a stab at being a medic in Pulau Tekong first, and then you might actually get a taste of what it's like to save a life, and unfortunately, lose one too. Leave a comment and your number if you're not pleased with what I have to say, and I guarantee that I'll call back, just so we can have an amicable debate. If I don't, I'll shut down my blog.
     I'm not sure how or when exactly he passed. None of us do. I guess that's what makes it suck a whole lot more. That we don't even know why he left us. He was only 24, and he never smoked, and barely drank. I can't believe I'm talking about him in the past tense already. It's not fair. He was going to make a difference. A huge difference.
     I'm really not sure what else to say. We'll definitely be having a tribute for him of our own. One that he'll be proud of. He always had a surreal sense of humour, great taste in food (his burgers rocked balls, even cold!), and I was always pleasantly surprised by his taste in music. A lot of us remember this song as being one of his favourite in camp, and all I can say is that, Wenbo, I hope you found your Island in the Sun. We love you man, and we miss you.

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