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Monday, February 02, 2004

     So wow, here's another entry. It's a poem thing I wrote during my Wednesday duty. Had quite a bit on my mind. Maybe a little too much. It's been a stressful sorta week for me. Anyhow, I had to get it out. Strangely, the words "lost and finding" kept going through my head. So, I put pencil to paper, and now, from print, to screen. It's my first poem, so bear with me. I'm happy I wrote it though. Like going a couple of rounds on the punching bag. That's what this Blog is for right? An outlet.


Falls Apart

I don't know where to start, and I don't know how it'll end
Somedays I seem so sure, until I slip and fall again
I have so much to say, but I don't know how to say it
So I talk too much till the words lose their meaning

It's so hard to care and so hard to cry
For the people that I love
The disappointment I feel in them is a reflection upon myself
After the mistakes I've made, maybe I deserve to have my broken heart
A punishment from above

I used to care so much, too much, about everything and everyone
Until I couldn't care enough for the one I loved most
The one who could love me
And it broke us, and I'm sorry. So very sorry

I've said those words to myself, to everyone, for everyone, so many times
That they just lose all sense and their rhyme
And now these days I'm older, and still trying
Making a real effort this time, but still lost and finding

And when it all falls apart again
Maybe this time I won't feel like I'm going insane

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