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Monday, November 01, 2004

     Heh, time flies when you're having fun doesn't it? It helps when your computer comes crashing down, and you can't give a flying fuck too :)
     Anyhow, yes children, daddy's back. Wow, last post was back in April huh? 7 months. Actually, my computer was fixed back in late September, but due to the distance that had grown between me and my keyboard, time was spent slowly getting reacquainted. It's like not having sex for more than a year. You don't exactly forget (Oh sweet GOD, you NEVER forget), but you should iron out the kinks eh? :)
     So what's been happening? Work wise, it's been SSDD (Same Shit, Different Day). Think everyone can relate there. My social life has improved somewhat. 'Improved', meaning that I got attached sometime in July. Or was it August? Oh please, don't give me that look. It's not as if I stood trembling outside her door holding a rose and getting a photographer ready to take a picture as I asked her, "Do you want to go *cough cough* STEADY?" I leave that level of documentation to whatever intelligence agency is spying on me as I pick my nose.
     It's been good. Better than good. Great. It's scary sometimes. Can something this soon be this comfortable already? Not that I'm complaining. After all that I've been through (and the various substances I may or may not have tried in my tumultuous youth), you can't really blame me for being a tad paranoid here :)
     Ugh. Youth. Which reminds me. I turn 25 come November 2nd. A quarter of a century old. Who'd have thought I'd make it this far eh? And still in the army too *rolls eyes* Well, the big date of official release nears, boys and girls. 9th April is practically round the bend. What to do after that? Right now, the one option I'm seriously considering is a private Diploma/Degree in Mass Communications at MDIS (Management Development Institute of Singapore). Hey, did I already tell you guys not to give me that look? Hear me out first.
     Okay, check this. After spending 5 very long years in Ngee Ann Polytechnic doing computer programming, I figured it'd be nice to learn something because, well, I wanted to. Purely out of interest. I don't care about the job market after I graduate. I don't care about how watered down it might be, or already is, or how far I want to go. I'm just taking it a step at a time. Lemme do what I want. Learn what I want to know. And we'll see what doors open for me when I reach that next step. Trust me, it took me 5 years to realise that I won't go very far learning something I have very little, or no interest in :)
      Alright, that should be enough to tide you lot over. Till next time at least. And I promise, it won't take another 7 months :)

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