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Monday, November 15, 2004

     I'm surprised I forgot to mention it in my earlier posts. "What?", you're wondering (Yes, I have every right to decide what you're thinking, since you're reading MY blog :)) Well, I'll be embarking on a trip to Genting Highlands tomorrow. The coach is at 7am, and the trip'll be around 6 hours or so. I'm mad excited. I'm looking forward to everything, from the trip up, to the stay, and the (hopefully) deliciously cool weather. It'll give me a chance to wear something with long sleeves and not have to worry about the sauna in my armpits :)
     So I'm staying over at Audra's place, since her mom's gracious enough to give us a ride to Golden Mile Complex, where our coach awaits. Gonna have to drag my sorry ass out by 5:30am. Ugh. All things considered, it'll be one of the few times I'll have no complaints about getting up that early.
     You know that feeling after you've packed and you're about to leave the house? The one where you can't help but feel that you've forgotten something? That there's that one crucial item you should've brought along that would make it the perfect trip, but because God hates you, he decides to block out that one memory canal, and awaits to see you writhe and scream in tantilising agony the moment you arrive and realise what it was you forgot? Yeah, that feeling. I hate it. So far, I've checked and double checked, and I can't think of anything else I may need. Well, let's hope I don't find out...
     With any luck, I'll be back in one piece to write about the trip, good and bad. Let's hope the coach doesn't get in the way of any of those nasty landslides eh? :) In the event that I do, it's been a pleasure writing, and erm, drive safely? Heh, that was kinda morbid, but seriously, you never do know do ya? Take care boys and girls. Write all of you soon ;)

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