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Sunday, December 19, 2004

     Oh dear. I've gone and done it. Well, it hasn't been that long. Been a tad busy. Heh, aren't we always? :)
     Batch of new blood arrived recently in the medical centre. No, I don't mean that there's been another mass number of casualties tumbling through my door. I mean that it's that time of the year where we get a whole new bunch of medics whose lives in which I'll inevitably make miserable (whether I want to or not). It's my job scope in the medical centre. I'm what you call a 'detailer'. I detail which exercises and duties the medics there have to cover. Other than that, me and the other guys in my department pretty much do my boss's job for him. Oh, and saving the occasional life now and then :) To sum it up, we make the decisions that no one else wants to make (and basically be held responsible for).
     And so, my children; how've you all been? It's December. It's that delicious time of the year again. The air's a little cooler, and the coloured lights more intense. The wallets empty, and the spirits soar (depending on what, and how much you've been drinking, or smoking, or shooting, or...). You get the idea. Read the Garfield comic strips in the papers if you still don't get it (FOOLS!) Ladies & Gentlemen, Christmas is approaching :)
     Call me old-fashioned. Maybe I'm buying into the whole marketing scam, and that the Christmas card messages do make sense to me. So what? Maybe I'm delusional. Maybe I take one too many spoonfuls of cough syrup. Still, I feel it big time. Don't you? Universal love baby! :) I've finished most of my shopping already. Got the gifts for the people who mean something to me, and managed to sustain my ever-thinning budget. It's all good. Don't you love that feeling? Knowing you got something for a friend that they won't expect, but you're just SO sure they'll love? Ah, sweet, sweet, anticipation. I need a cigarette... :)
     What're you guys going to be up to on the Christmas weekend? Wait, what am I doing? There's no room in here for any of you! This is MY Blog! But hey, I'm sure I'll remember to ask if I see you guys :) Just playing. I'll most likely scoot down for midnight mass, distribute gifts, and find a cosy club or something to get drunk in. And no, I'm not Catholic, or Christian, or Canadian. I'm a free-thinker, and I go for mass only on the eve of Christmas. Why? Well, I don't know about you, but it just feels... Right. Does that sound weird? *shrugs* Well, guess who doesn't give a rat's patootie (don't ask) :)
     It's been a great weekend. Well, except the bit where my lighter exploded in my face and singed a little of my left eyebrow. But hey, that little incident rectified itself. Received a new lighter the next day. A Zippo. My very first too! Been wanting one for the longest time. It has the Jack Daniel's logo in pewter on it. How cool is that? It was a belated birthday present. Talk about timing *strokes the burnt ends of eyebrow* Thank you baby. You've made my weekend :)
     So, you'll either hear from me next weekend, or you won't. If you don't, it ought to be a good sign. With any luck, I'll be too drunk to remember my name :) Well, one can only hope. Till then, drive safely children!

"Here comes the cold
Break out the winter clothes
And find a love to call your own
You - enter you
Your cheeks a shade of pink
And the rest of you in powder blue

Who knows what will be
But I'll make you this guarantee

No way November will see our goodbye
When it comes to December it's obvious why
No one wants to be alone at Christmas time"

----- John Mayer, "St. Patrick's Day"

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