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Sunday, January 02, 2005

     A Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year everyone. Yes, I've (barely) survived both holidays :) Hope it was good for all of you too. On a side note, it's been, to the day, exactly a year since this Blog was set up. 2004 was a fast one (for me, at least). It's been eventful enough for me. Definitely better than 2003. With all the commotion currently going on though (snow in the UAE?), I only dread what's to come this year. Well, you know me. Ever the vicious optimist. "What could go wrong?" Heh, yeah, I know. I've jinxed it already...
     Well, Christmas was good. Got plastered, and received a bevy of delicious gifts. A very sweet bracelet, where the design is based on the Final Fantasy video game. A simple sleeveless T-shirt (I always welcome clothes as gifts). Another Zippo. And a book titled "The Massive Swelling". I know, the title is rather suggestive isn't it? Well, it isn't what you think (dirty, dirty little children you all are *tsk tsk*). It describes itself as "Celebrity Re-examined as a Grotesque Crippling Disease and Other Cultural Revelations". Heh, how can you say no to a book which presents itself as such? :)
     My New Year's was a quaint affair. Barbecue and drinks at a good friend's place. Ugh, I can never look at another bratwurst the same way again. Too much of a good thing boys and girls. Something was missing though. Sadly. Heh, what'm I going on about? I'm not sure how else I can say this. So I won't. Instead, I shall publish the lyrics to a song below, and giving all of you children the benefit of the doubt, let you guys figure it out yourselves. A parting message at least? You lot ask for quite a bit don't you? :) Well, to quote the Counting Crows song, "A long December, and there's reason to believe, maybe this year will be better than the last..." Take care everyone, and if anything I will be okay :)

"Yes indeed I'm
Alone again
And here comes emptiness
Crashing in
It's either love or hate
I can't find in between
'Cause I've been with witches
And I have been with a queen

It wouldn't have worked out any way
So now it's just another lonely day
Further along we just may
But for now it's just another lonely day

Wish there was something
I could say or do
I can resist anything
But temptation from you
But I'd rather walk alone
Than chase you around
I'd rather fall myself
Than let you drag me down

It wouldn't have worked out any way
And now it's just another lonely day
Further along we just may
But for now it's just another lonely day

Yesterday seems like a life ago
'Cause the one I love
Today I hardly know
You I held so close in my heart oh dear
Grow further from me
With every fallen tear

It wouldn't have worked out any way
So now it's just another lonely day
Further along we just may
But for now it's just another lonely day"

----- Ben Harper, "Another Lonely Day"

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