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Wednesday, December 28, 2005

     Good morning children. And how was everyone's Christmas? Well, me first :) If you couldn't guess from my last post, yes, I had a great time. Great company, and enough alcohol. Heh, with New Year's around the corner, I'll have the liver of a 40-year old German going into 2006 at this rate :) Well now, let me go into the Christmas weekend with a little more detail.
     Starting it off on Friday, the 23rd of December, Denise and I hooked up with Ivan for dinner at Carl's Jr (so pricey, and yet, so worth it...), before heading off for a few drinks at the newly opened Loof that we'd read about a couple of weeks back. It was so laid back hanging out there, and incredibly conducive for conversation. The crowd was made up of people who enjoyed being seen more than anything else though. Oh, and check this. Though they refuse to admit it upfront, you do get a special one-for-one offer on drinks should it rain :) It was great. What made it more enjoyable though was having a minor celebrity serve us. Heh. It doesn't get any more minor than being a part-time Mediacorp actor :) You'll see him on Thursday evenings on Channel 5's "Lifeline", which is an ironic title, considering that's what the show needs to save its poor storylines :) A mug of beer on me to anyone who can guess which one of the cast members served us!
     Christmas Eve! It was spent with a group of us hanging out at a friend's place. Mount Gay rum and Chivas Regal whisky is a sure way to cure constipation the next day. Ugh. Anyhoo, how were your gifts? I didn't receive many, but the ones I did rocked. Like my socks. The green & blue toe-socks. I digress...
     I have a new Sony Atrac CD Walkman! How cool is that? It, like, does everything. I just haven't figured out what yet :)
     Christmas Day came and went quietly. It was spent mostly bouncing from house to house, consuming a variety of dishes. Mostly turkey. Actually, when I think about it, I had turkey for lunch, dinner and supper. No complaints there though :) Hardly any consummation of alcohol though, if you can believe that. Reason behind that was that I was still sweating rum and whisky from the night before :)
     Ah yes, Boxing Day. The evening started out with me heading over to Denise's place to catch Project Runway (please don't judge me), before heading over to Terry's place for a party. We caught Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (words cannot describe how funny Will Ferrell and this movie is) and saw Pablo Francisco's stand-up comedy. The man is a comedic genius. Amidst all this, Johnny Walker Swing and Absolut Raspberry flowed freely. Surprisingly, Absolut Raspberry goes rather nicely with Coke...
     And that was my Christmas weekend. Hope you lot had a decent time as well. We all deserve some good tidings :) On a side note, I have a new guilty pleasure to confess (and no, it's not masturbation you wise-asses). I'm currently addicted to Bejeweled 2. Its many colours and sounds have kept me sane as I plod through my graduation project. Ugh, it's madness I tell you, having to worry about work during this festive season. Well, such is life. I'm only a third through though, and with the deadline looming next Wednesday, it beggars the question: Why am I still writing this post? :)
     So, it's back to my project, and feeling my pupils dilate sporadically. Have a good New Year's everyone. Check back soon for my round-up! :)

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