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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

     Okay, so I might be a tad overdue with this post. With procrastination as my mistress, can you blame me? :) Before I continue, please take note of the new Google advertisement thingy on the bottom left of my Blog, right below the Archives. In a sad attempt to make more money, I have contracted my soul to Da Man. Please click on it as often as you can, as I am saving up for open heart surgery on my bicycle :) With that said, on with the show...
     Wow, I didn't leave a post at all in January. Well, it had been a rather busy month. Finishing up my graduation project (which was late), starting on the degree portion of my course (which was cool), and attending Charmian's 21st Pajama Party (which rocked) :) I also attended the Sembawang Music Festival, which showcased many local and international bands. I can't say much about the turnout, but at least the bands were fantastic to watch. One band I really enjoyed were The Animators. Check out their song "Good To Be Here". Big shout-out to Laurence for helping me score free tickets!
     After all that, preparation began for more festivities to come. Though I'm still in the process of cleaning my room, it was still loads more presentable when Chinese New Year arrived. Fantastic week. On the eve of the Eve, Denise and I met up with Ivan and Meiting for dinner, before heading down to Loof again, where our drinks were again served by our favourite celebrity waiter :) Surprisingly, judging from the overwhelming response to my previous post, you lot don't want a free beer...
     The Eve started off with a quiet dinner at home with the parents. For a family of 3, my mom pretty much cooked enough for a small third world country. All part of Chinese New Year superstition she says. "It's prosperous to always have a little left over." We FINALLY managed to finish the left-overs last Thursday...
     After dinner, I get a call from Wee to meet up for drinks. Chilled with him and his new woman friend till the clock struck 12, and we ushered in the Lunar New Year with Depth Chargers. What are Depth Chargers? Heh, I'm glad you asked. It's something you can do with all your friends. Here's what you do:

Step 1: Get a half-filled (or half-emptied) mug of beer. Whatever's on tap should be fine. If it's a house party, then the cheapest beer you can get from 7-11.

Step 2: Get a shot of whisky. Jim Beam or Jack Daniel's is fine. Anything more expensive would be a waste. Do NOT consume the shot yet.

Step 3: Hold the shot glass over the mug. It shouldn't be too high. Why not? You, like I did, will find out the hard way :)

Step 4: Drop the shot glass into the mug. The moment it makes contact with the beer, you start drinking the mix. You do not stop drinking until the shot glass touches your nose. If it doesn't touch your nose, you haven't tipped the mug enough.

     And after that, keep going till someone loses consciousness :)
     With Wee having to send his girlfriend home, I was off to meet up with some other friends. My boy Wesley is back in town! To cut a long story short, the next few hours were basically made up of beer and karaoke. Stop looking at me like that...
     The 1st day of Chinese New Year was spent at home. Mostly recovering. I am thankful that as my family is estranged from the majority of my relatives (and the other half are pretty much in Indonesia), I only have to visit one aunt. I am also thankful that this year, her family decided to come over to our place :)
     I spent the 2nd day doing the rounds at Daniel's place, before heading down to another friend's place for laksa and drinks. It was pretty chilled-out, until the gambling ensued. I am all of $4 richer, and that much closer to owning my very own island (take THAT Richard Bransen!).
     Finally, on the last day of January, it was down to yet another friend's place for barbecue, beer, and whatever other alcoholic beverages we could lay our hands on. We played SceneIt?, and came to realise that all games are so much better when they're made into drinking games :)
     And so, that was my month of January. You can see why it took this long to get back to all of you. Heh, sadly, you lot will have to wait a little longer for my 2005 round-up, considering that I'm exhausted after going through last month alone. No worries. If you wait for it, it will come :)

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