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Wednesday, January 21, 2004

     Urgh. Currently down with the flu. And a bad ulcer around the upper-lip region. Anything involving movement around that area induces blinding pain to the temples. Even drinking water is a torturous experience. All in all, it's been a sluggish day. Spent it slummed in front of the couch watching TV, except for 2 hours in my room watching the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen VCD. Great movie. Enjoyed it thoroughly. Only wished it wasn't so short. There was a lot more development they could've done with the characters. And Sean Connery was... Sean Connery. Typecasted? Sure, but you have to admit, he does it so well :) Variety of inside jokes as well, for comic and literary fans alike.
     Damn this flu. I hate the runny nose the most. It's the most unflattering of the lot. It boggles the mind. Where does all that snot come from? It's bloody endless! Not to mention, doesn't it annoy the crap out of you when you try to snort it out, and hardly anything comes of it? (figuratively AND literally) And so you put down the tissue and think your sinuses have possibly dried themselves out, when all of a sudden, like at a track & field meet, my nostrils suddenly get up and running!
     It does feel nice to just up and bitch in here. Much more refreshing than doing it in the bulletin board in Friendster, in the sense that, it feels a lot more personal. A lot more intimate. And hey, what other place offers you the opportunity to vent freely and practice your HTML at the same time? :)

Monday, January 19, 2004

"A long December and there's reason to believe, maybe this year will be better than the last...
I can't remember the last thing that you said as you were leavin', now the days go by so fast..."

----- The Counting Crows, "A Long December"

     So it's the third week into a new year. Time flies (and so does fruit. Damn you Douglas Adams). It's weird, thinking back. At first, when the clock struck 12 on New Year's Eve, I was like a lot of people out there. Drunk and hurling my guts out :) The next day when I regained consciousness (you never simply just wake up from getting sloshed. It'd be too easy), I was thinking about how it didn't really feel any different. I mean, it was the New Year wasn't it? A lot of people I chatted with felt similarly. Then I looked at it from a different point of view. Took a bigger step back, and realised that it is a new year. That a lot has changed going into 2004.
     It's easy to figure out. Ask yourself a few simple questions. One year ago from today ('today' is dependent on when you read this of course), where were you? What were you doing? What was going through your head? Or let's break it down to it's core: Who were you a year ago, and how much of you has changed over the 12 months?
     Change is inherent, tangibly and intangibly. Especially in a year. Me personally, I realise things are a lot different now. I'm a lot different now. Even my friends can see it. It's just crazy. I don't know where to start really. Well, for one, that post I made a couple weeks ago is an indication of sorts. And for another, I'm a lot more comfortable with the fact that I don't know where my life is headed these days. Oh sure, you can make plans and have popular ideas, but who knows really? At least these days, I know where I am, and for now, that's good enough...
     Heh, I'm just horribly vague tonight aren't I? It's just difficult sometimes to find the right words to express how all the thoughts in my head relate to the way I feel. I tried once, but too many words came pouring out, making everything seem so contradictory and... Strange. It just made it all the more confusing, even for me. Words only go so far. So let's make this simple: When it's all said and done, when the sun sets and the day has gone, it all boils down to this; that the most important thing right now is that you're aware of what's going on around and inside you. And that's it.

Monday, January 12, 2004

     So okay, this won't be much of a post. Won't be baring my soul or anything like that tonight. Reason being, I have too much to say, and not enough time to say it. Have to get up bright and early for work later (actually, in another 2 hours or so). Serving the Nation and all. Next weekend perhaps. So here's what I'll do. Found an interesting survey while scouring through some backdated newspapers recently (we run out of things to read in camp). Found it rather amusing, especially when I reached the last statistic. Enjoy.

From the Straits Times, Nov 17th, 2003

Do you think oral sex should be made legal?
Yes, as long as it is consensual, it is a private matter
Votes: 5,061

No, it is unnatural and therefore wrong
Votes: 389

If it remains an offence, do you feel both the man and the woman should be punished equally if the act is consensual?
Yes, it takes two to tango
Votes: 4,658

No, the man should take sole responsibility
Votes: 150

No, only the person who performs the act should be punished
Votes: 224

No, only the person receiving the act should be punished
Votes: 144

Do you feel making oral sex legal will also lead to more liberal and permissive laws such as on 'carnal intercourse with animals'?
Yes, society is becoming increasingly liberal and laws will reflect that
Votes: 690

No, there are some things that will always remain taboo
Votes: 2,357

As long as it's consensual, it should be a private matter. But animals can't consent
Votes: 2,290

Friday, January 09, 2004

     Wow, I'm tired. Then again, who isn't? :) Seriously though, I don't mean it just literally. It's weird, but since I have this here Blog set up, let's see how it'll look like in a text form.
     I woke up around a month ago feeling weird. Feeling... Tired. A little more jaded, a little more cynical. Trust me, that's a huge jump from where I normally am. Viciously optimistic and idealistic. It bugged me, I'll have to say, but recently, it's becoming a lot more comfortable to slip into. In a good way I hope. Lemme explain.
     Let's start by breaking down how I was beginning to feel. At first, I thought I was becoming asexual or something. Perish the thought. Women still appeal to me greatly. They're incredibly beautiful creatures. It's just that, all of a sudden, the great lust I used to harbor for these objects of beauty was gone. I remember walking down the street, seeing a bevy of scantily-clad pieces of meat (females, you perverts), and just go ape-crazy, testosterone levels hitting the roof, a thousand and one fantasies just running through my head. Recently, I'm walking in town, and I'm like, (everyone say it with me now) "Whatever!" But seriously, I acknowledge the fact that certain women do get a second glance from me, but I don't feel it anymore. That primal urge to beat them over the head with a stick and drag them home to do with as you please. Thoughts like casual sex, surfing or watching porn, just seem so... Empty. Without substance. All of a sudden, I'm just tired of having to waste my energies feeling unnecessarily. All of a sudden, I just want to find the right girl for me, and settle down, and be content. All of a sudden, I'm tired of caring for everyone everytime. All of a sudden, I feel... older.
     Had coffee with a good girlfriend earlier. I liked one way she put it. To paraphrase, "It sounds like you're tired of having your feeling and emotions boil over. Sounds like you just want to put a lid on it with a lock, and wait for the right one to come by with the right combination to lift it." And I'm like, "Yeah, I do." It's not as if I'm waiting for someone to drop into my lap here (though it'd be nice if they did). I'm just taking a backseat for once, while the tour bus shows me what this world has to offer. Does that make any sense to you?

Friday, January 02, 2004

     Wow, who'd have thought that I'd have a Blog? Heh, most of my friends are surprised it didn't happen earlier. Procastination and I are good drinking buddies :) Another reason was 'cause posting my little articles and updates on the Friendster bulletin board just wasn't doing it for me. The loading speed sucked, the database connection was forever problematic, and not to mention, there was so much more I wanted to do. I only found out recently that a Blog could offer so much.
     This is so weird. I figure there'll be a section someplace which'll display my stats and such, so I won't go into my details here. Anyhow, worst comes to worst, there's always room for another Blog eh? Don't expect them to come regularly though. I'm still in the army. Involuntary of course. I'm in camp on the weekdays, and sometimes for the weekends, and they only let me out for the weekends (and the public holidays if I've been a good boy sometimes). This is just a test anyhow. We'll see what the days ahead have to offer.

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